I Am Fish 2

I am Fish is a new product released by Bossa Studios. They managed to gain their popularity back in 2015, when they released I am Bread. Then the game amazed everyone with its non-standard and unusual idea. And the character you play. Because no one thought that he would be able to control a slice of bread.

Now I am Fish conquers with its beautiful graphics and cute aquatic dwellers, which are controlled by the player. The main task in the game is to help all of them get to their home, the ocean. Because at the moment they are all far enough from him. Or rather, in some small county in England.

So an exciting adventure awaits the player, which he/she enjoys. The player is going to travel with the characters to different beautiful locations, enjoying wonderful views. Therefore, rather install it to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this entertainment product.

By genre, this is an adventure with puzzle elements. You have to think carefully before doing something or, for example, to figure out how to get out of some kind of trouble. Sometimes situations can be unusual and non-standard, and it is this kind of non-standard thinking that is able to help you.

Also, since the entertainment product of Bossa Studios was released quite recently, it is possible that it is supplemented, or even adventure may come out and you can play it. It is possible that even more characters and locations will be added. It can be completely another city or country. Because now actions are taking place in Barnardshire, but it has a chance to happen anywhere. This makes the adventure more interesting.

Features of Aquatic Dwellers

Each of the characters has its own useful features that make them stand out. They are all pretty useful in your adventure. Sometimes you have to roll on the grass, and sometimes you are going to swim very fast, or there will even be moments when you are going to be soaring high above the ground. Then you can fully enjoy the beautiful visual aspect.

If more characters are added in the future, they have even more interesting features. It is likely that there will be such a character who needs to be unlocked by performing a series of actions. Then you are able to open it and go on an adventure with it.

So, if in this short period of time you have become a fan of I am Fish, if a sequel comes out, you are going to be happy. Especially if a lot of new things are added. Or expect a brand-new title from Bossa Studios. So, you are allowed to meet someone unusual that can be controlled by you. It is able to be a dolphin, shark, whale o sea star. So, now we are able to imagine what can be in the second part and is there any chance that it will come out after all.